​Upcoming Events

Talks and book signings
My previous talks and book signings were at:
Ware Historical Society, Ware, Mass. (April 19, 2017);
Paige Memorial Library, Hardwick, Mass. (April 20, 2017);
​SABR (Society for American Baseball Research) Rabbit Maranville Chapter, Springfield, Mass. (April 24, 2017);
​Palmer Public Library, Palmer, Mass. (April 25, 2017);
Young Men's Library Association, Ware, Mass. (April 26, 2017);
Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, Mass. (July 8, 2017);
Clapp Memorial Library, Belchertown, Mass. (July 27, 2017);
Ware Center Meeting House, Ware, Mass. (July 30, 2017);
Athol Public Library, Athol, Mass. (September 28, 2017);
Dickinson Memorial Library, Northfield, Mass. (April 24, 2018);
Pioneer Valley History Camp (July 28, 2018). My talk was on "Baseball History in Central and Western Massachusetts";
"Talkin' Baseball" SABR group, Columbia, Maryland, (October 6, 2018)
Western Massachusetts Baseball Hall of Fame (January 31, 2019). I represented Candy Cummings, one of the 2019 inductees into the Hall of Fame, and spoke about his life and career;
Wilbraham Public Library, Wilbraham, Mass. (April 14, 2019);
On July 13, 2019, I spoke about Candy Cummings, star pitcher from the nineteenth century and inventor of the curveball, at the annual reunion of the Isaac Cummings Family Association;
Ware Historical Society, Ware, Mass. (October 28, 2022). My talk was about Candy Cummings and my book, Candy Cummings: The Life and Career of the Inventor of the Curveball (McFarland, 2022);
SABR Smokey Joe Wood chapter, Middletown, Connecticut (October 29, 2022). My talk was about Candy Cummings and my book, Candy Cummings: The Life and Career of the Inventor of the Curveball (McFarland, 2022).
I am very grateful to all those who turned out for these well-attended events, and to the organizers.